Kids are naturally creative and always eager to learn new things! Their spark of curiousity can be really amazing! So here's a summary of the Top 10 Activities that you can DIY (Do-It-Yourself) with your kids!
1. Art!
There's just so many things to do when it comes to being artistic! Some of our favourites is stamping arts, watercolours, crayons, family-tree mapping, printable colouring pages, origami's, paper art and so much more!
2. Role-play
Role-playing is a great way to encourage your kids to identify different roles and responsibilities. It can be done over a DIY playset like a kitchen. If it ain't cooking it can be dress up, fashion, fixing, selling, tea time. U can always get a playset or DIY with whatever basic tools you have at home. The kitchen is a good example, easiest and everyone can play together.
3. Science
It's always fascinating to explore more about science at home, just ensure that an adult is always there with your kid while playing with these activities. You can always Google up for science projects to do with your kids! Like how two colors when mixed becomes another colour!
4. Sensory
Sensory is basic for every babies, eye-hand coordination starts at an early age. Sensory is really easy to DIY! You can use anything from home and turn it into sensory play for your young one. Let them play with the spoon hitting against the pan making music! You can even DIY your own kinetic sand too!
5. Playdough's or baking
These are sensory or food! Best of all you can DIY from scratch especially play doughs with its food-grade colouring because kids love putting anything into their mouth.
Recipe for Playdough :
Combine water, oil, salt, cream of tartar, and food coloring in a saucepan and heat until warm.
Remove from heat and add flour.
Stir, then knead until smooth.
Store this dough in an airtight container or a Ziploc freezer bag.
6. Bubbles!
My favourite time! Blowing bubbles! Keeps the kids jumping for joy chasing after those bubbles! You can make your own bubble solution too!
"Measure 6 cups of water into one container, then pour 1 cup of dish soap into the water and slowly stir it until the soap is mixed in. Try not to let foam or bubbles form while you stir. Measure 1 tablespoon of glycerin or 1/4 cup of corn syrup and add it to the container. Stir the solution until it is mixed together."
7. Imagination through books
This is something that we love too! Reading books together especially fairytales, I always go into imagination when I'm reading the book. It's like the book characters comes out alive!
8. Explore the surroundings!
What's better than this?! It's free and so much to explore together! Take them out to the park and ask them to find where's the tree, how things look like and in what colour, ask them to count with you.
9. Play sports!
Grab anything round or that can be kicked around with that is safe, play pass the ball or soccer! At home or at the park with your kid, it's the best sports to have fun with them!
10. Music!
My favourite of all! Music time is fun time for the whole family! Turn on that favourite tune and dance with them or turn on that nursery song and follow the dance moves like wheels on the bus or baby shark! Can even sing along too!
So what's your favourite activity to DIY with your kids? Do share with us!
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