For most moms that truly desire to babywear their newborn upon birth, it may seem like a difficult task to handle especially when your baby is so fragile and little. What more, if you were planning to have a Cesarean birth; It may seem almost impossible to babywear with the scar at the waist waiting time to self-heal.
Here's some essential tips for those planning a Cesarean, recently went through one or just doing your research "just in case", these tips may benefit you and help you enjoy babywearing altogether!
The BIG question is, "Can I babywear after having a C-Section?", for most moms, the answer is "YES!". Although, you may need to do things a little differently.
1. Listen to your Gynaecologists.
Your health professional are there for a reason. If they advise you not to babywear, then find out why and if it doesn't convince you; seek a second opinion. Because you have to focus on recuperating after going through a surgical birth. So relaxing and making sure that you get enough rest for your body to heal itself is most important!
2. Listen to your body.
Your body won't lie to you. If it causes you distress or discomfort then take it slow. You know your body best. If it feels great then take it one step at a time.
3. Carry baby higher.
From newborn until 4 months old, it is best to use a wrap for your newborn or if using a SSC, an infant insert is recommended. If you follow the T.I.C.K rule of Babywearing, your baby should be worn high up. For moms after Cesarean, carriers with the waist band may bother you for awhile. So it is best to adjust the waistband up high (preferably under your boobs) so that it doesn't come in contact with your Cesarean scar. This is also the perfect height of a tiny newborn baby! You can also use a ring sling like the SUKKIRi or a wrap babycarrier like PITTARi.
4. Avoid heavy lifting at all times.
After birth, it is best to rest and recover from the birthing experience, while you bond with your newborn baby. Therefore, babywearing is also actually adding on extra weight to your body. So try not to overdo it if it's making you feel uncomfortable. If you are comfortable to babywear then try not to lift any other heavy things while you are babywearing.
5. Try it on & experiencing it first-hand!
Some carriers may be more comfortable than others. However, it is subjective to user's personal preferences and sizes. The best is to try them on with your baby first and see which works best for you and baby. We at UnisonCA can assist you on that as you can rent-a-carrier with us & we have Mummy Charmaine that can assist you on babywearing advise, tips and guides live in-person or online.
6. Recovery first!
Babywearing is the best way to bond with your baby, keeping baby safe, secure and close to your heart. However, there's still alot of time to bond with them. So don't rush into it. Don't babywear for too long hours and focus on recovering first.
7. Take a break, give it time.
If you feel uncomfortable babywearing in the beginning. Don't worry, it's normal. Just take a break for a day or two and try again. Give it time and just practise at your own pace. Nobody is perfect, don't get let down just because you are unable to babywear. Even if baby gets cranky, it could be just one of those days. It doesn't mean they totally dislike babywearing. So give it time.
8. Ask for help!
Always ask for help when you need it. Don't keep it to yourself. We have Mummy Charmaine that can assist you in your journey to babywearing your baby. If you don't ask for help, no one will know what's going on and you may end up blaming yourself or worst, falling into depression. Remember it's not wrong to ask for help, your family, friends and even other mothers in support groups will be more than willing to help you recover after birth. Just ask, don't be shy.
Suggestions of products you can invest in for babywearing your baby.
Check out our Recommendation on PITTARi wrap in our Babywearing catalog. Keeps baby safe, secure, warm, comfort and best of all out of reach from a stranger's touch or prevent your kids from touching any surface.
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