In November we announced the month of Child Safety Protection. If you have tuned in for our #TipsByUnisonCA in November, you will see some tips to increase your awareness for the safety of our little ones!
If you missed out on it, rest assured, here are some of the tips you can refer to!
Here's the first tip!
Supervise your kid all the time! With YOCHI YOCHI, supervising it has never been easier, and it has 2 other functions as well; As a portable high chair and a shopping trolley cart safety strap!
Learn more http://myyochiyochi.strikingly.com
What could be more fun than swimming?
The answer is swimming with mommy safely!
SUPPORi can be use even when you're swimming at the pool or at sea! Not only does it keep your little one safely tugged to you, it also decrease the risk of drowning!
Learn more at http://mysuppori.com
Get your hood on with KURUMI KET!
Rainy season could easily trigger the flu, and if your little ones catch a cold, they wouldn't be as energetic and playful as before. That is why keeping them dry is a number ONE priority! The KURUMI KET could transform into many other functions too!
Baby sling should be as tight as a mother-baby relationship! Which means, the UNBREAKABLE LOVE!
Based on research, bonded babies grow into healthier babies. So aside from being a durable carrier, PITTARi also strengthens your bond with your little one!
Suffocation is one of the most important thing that requires extra attention. From sleeping positions to different environments; Paying close attention to your little one even while babywearing is compulsory!
SUKKIRi provides the best breathable mesh fabric that doesn't obstruct your baby's breathing airways. And with its unique design, it keep your baby visible at all times!
Learn more at http://mysukkiri.strikingly.com
For any further enquiries, please feel free to be in touch with us at:
WhatsApp: +6012-5267411
Email: customerservice@unisonca.com
UnisonCA ~ Bringing you closer to your little ones
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