HypnoBirthing® Class
For the Mother-To-Be and her Birthing Companion, Learn Relaxation Techniques so that you can give your baby a welcome that is calm, gentle, and safe. Achieve birth fulfillment–awake and alert–in a totally relaxed state of mind and body.
HypnoBirthing® Classes are taught in a format of five, 2 1/2-hour classes. If you are very near to your birthing time, special arrangements can be made for private classes with you.
The facilitator is:
Daphne Lee, Purpleseeds
Exact Date of classes, please Facebook Message us to check:
Outline of classes are as follows:
Unit 1 – Setting the Stage
Dehypnotizing & Building a Positive Expectancy
Philosophy and Beginnings of HypnoBirthing®
History of Women and Birthing
How the Uterus Works in Birthing
What’s Wrong with Labour
How Fear Affects Labour
The Origin of Fear and Pain in Labour
The Power of the Mind
The Laws of the Mind and Change
Mind/Body Connection
Psycho-physical Association
Breathing and Relaxation
Building Positive Images of Birth
Unit 2 – Falling in Love with Your Baby Pre-Birth Parenting, Preparing Your Mind and Body
Pre-Birth, Perinatal, and Postnatal Bonding
Background of Fetology Studies
Selecting Care Providers
Preparing the Mind for Birth
Hypnosis Deepening and Visualisation
Releasing Fear
Preparing the Body for Birthing
Building a Partnership with Care Providers
Unit 3 – Advanced Visualisation and Deepening
Labour and Birthing Visualisations and Deepening
Turning Breech-Presented Babies
Looking at the “Estimated Due Date”
Avoiding Artificial Induction
Preparing Birth Preference Sheets
How the Body Prepares for Birth
Initiating Labour Naturally
Your Body’s Perfect Design
Releasing Fears & Limiting Thoughts
Unit 4 – Overview and Summary of Childbirth
Prelabour Tricksters
The Onset of Labour
Birth Companions Support Role
Thinning and Opening Phase
Labour Slows or Rests
Misconceptions about Labour
Birth Companion Advocates for Mother and Baby
Hallmarks as Labour Advances
Birth Rehearsal Imagery
Unit 5 - Birthing
The Final Act and Bonding
Mother Nears Completion
Optimal Positioning for Baby in Labour & Birth
Positions During Labour, Descent and Birthing
Birthing Phase, Descent, Birth Breathing
Births Perfect Design
Breathing Through Labour
Breathing with Birth
The Magical First Hour
Bonding with Baby
Fourth Trimester
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- Click "Place Order Now" and complete your payment.
- Instruction email will send to you within 3 working days.